Hey Folks 👋🏼

Welcome to The Analog Perspective! 

A newsletter to discuss the efficacy and inefficacy of today’s technology on us and our world delivered with a sprinkle of data & sarcasm mixed with soothing original imagery from my photography with Fujifilm X-E4.

Here’s a little something about me -

I’m Vaibhav Kalekar, Co-Founder of InviSoul & sole writer of this publication.

I am a lifelong tech enthusiast who continues to be privileged to work on everything related to technology and data. My lifelong here is around 15 years in my 30+ years of life on earth. This puts me in a unique position to write about “the good, the not so good, and the worst part” about the tech industry.

I appreciate the finer moments in this chaotic world and like to capture them with my Fujifilm X-E4 camera and Fujinon 18-55mm lens.

I have lived in Mumbai, and Chicago, and currently working in Munich.

Why did I create The Analog Perspective?

While I enjoy my day job and think about quitting and settling onto a remote island once every quarter, I feel there is a need to spread awareness about the inner workings and intentions going into building digital products and the Tech industry in general.

The publication aims to discuss the finer details behind the major breaking news in the technology world and share my learnings and perspectives with everyone. My learnings and perspectives tend to range from practical use to philosophical musings about the meaning of our lives in the world of technology. 

Additionally, I want to share the world I see from my perspective with a range of pictures clicked from my camera taken during my travels.

As the world of social media crumbles into a dystopia of attention-sucking marketing agents, I want to create a space and build a community free of noise that thrives on actual interaction.

Why Subscribe to The Analog Perspective?

Join me to discuss everything that is technology and photography-related free of all the noise that comes with algorithmic social media platforms.

Every week I publish a post about updates in the technology world and my opinions and learnings from the events. In addition, I share photos clicked from my camera along with my thoughts that go behind the pictures and the technical intricacies involved in making the picture the way it looks.

Does it sound interesting?

Please drop a note to me to start a conversation or hit the subscribe button to get my next post.

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If you are interested in collaborating to share your thoughts and stories. Feel free to reach out -

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Other Works

Passionate about Football, Subscribe below for my football-related publication where my friends and I dwell in the analytical world of sports.

Subscribe to The Analog Perspective

A newsletter to discuss the efficacy and inefficacy of today’s technology on us and our world delivered with a sprinkle of data & sarcasm mixed with soothing original imagery from my photography with Fujifilm X-E4.


Data Product Manager 🚀 | Photographer 📸 | Writer 📝 I work with organizations to make sense of their data and provide valuable actionable insights. I write about technology & photography